En el área de Sentani, Zodia utilizado como un cuerpo de desodorización. Plantas Zodia se aplica al cuerpo, en el momento de ir a una fiesta. Menos olor salado vuelve fragante perfumado Zodia. Aparte de ser un cuerpo de desodorización, así como SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA collar hecho de ceremonias tradicionales. Hojas y flores zodia colgados con una cuerda, y luego usan alrededor leher.Karena Zodia olor acre, las plantas sospechosas pueden Zodia para repeler los mosquitos.
A veces se utiliza como un tónico o potenciador resistencia. Mientras que la corteza hervida se utiliza como un calmante para la fiebre palúdica.
Según una investigación realizada por el Instituto de Investigación para Especias y Plantas Medicinales (IMACRI), el aceite se destila de las hojas de la planta contienen zodia linalol (46%) y el a-pineno (13,26%). Linalol a conocer como repelente de mosquitos.
Zodia aroma distintivo mosquitos no deseados. Lo más probable debido a la presencia de compuestos Rutaecarpina Evodiamine y los insectos no deseados. Zodia hojas pueden disipar los mosquitos durante seis horas con el poder cepillado (Protección de Sistemas) en más del 70%, además de la digigi brazo por los mosquitos del dengue se recuperan rápidamente (Bentol y Itchy) zodia.Ada sale cuando se frota con tres tipos de plantas repelentes de mosquitos lo sé
1. Zodia
3. Suren.
Esto debe ser divulgado los conocimientos acerca de las plantas contra los mosquitos. Sí mosquitos hum interrumpir animal pequeño, la picadura se siente el dolor y el miedo debe llevar a la fiebre del dengue, la elefantiasis, la malaria. ¿Quién no conoce los tres tipos de la enfermedad, que todavía se está librando un ataque a la población indonesia. El uso de plantas Zodia, lavanda y Suren y algunas otras plantas están respetando el medio ambiente que el uso de insecticidas contra los mosquitos que aún deja los impactos ambientales del veneno dejado atrás.
Ha sido un largo tiempo la gente conoce los dos tipos de plantas llamados primero. Mientras Suren similares bastante grandes árboles de diámetro, de hoja plana irregular, muchos cultivan en las montañas del oeste de Java, no muy conocidos por el público como un repelente de mosquitos.
Mi esposa y Zodia plantados en macetas en la casa, mientras que la lavanda, flores fragantes, hoja Suren, así como no lo he intentado. Para mi conocimiento Lavender crecer y florecer en la montaña, en Yakarta - Depok - Bekasi - Tangerang y otros lugares bajos menos adecuados. Un amigo una vez plantado en su jardín a Lavender Kebagusan sur de Yakarta, aunque por desgracia no crecen flores de lavanda.
BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAZodia son arbustos en lugar de árboles como la caoba o jengkol. Estas plantas se originaron de Papua. Las hojas son alargadas plana, verde, al frotar contra los olores arrastrados por el viento se cree que le gustan los mosquitos.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
In the period since the nutmeg seed is planted until
the period since the nutmeg seed is planted until the age of 1 month to
consider carefully the observation of plant seedlings are dead or
abnormal growth soon embroidered or replaced with new seedlings.
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAHow to embroider is initially unloaded plant seeds that long, then new seedlings from polybags with roots removed and the medium. Seeds were planted in the middle of the planting hole is upright and the soil around the base of the stem in slow-pelan.Setelah condense finished embroidering right away with water as needed.
Nutmeg plants need sufficient water, as if the lack of water in the vegetative phase will inhibit the growth of shoots and roots. While the lack of water in the generative phase resulted in loss of flowers or fruit, resulting in lower production and fruit quality, resulting in lower production and fruit quality.
Water supply and irrigation should be enough, especially during the dry season (dry). The source of water can come from rivers, ponds, reservoirs, and wells pantek. In the newly planted crop nutmeg, watering can be done 1-2 times a day, especially if it is not raining. At the nutmeg crop grown, irrigation can be adapted to the soil conditions.
How to irrigate can be done with the network system or plumbing PVC pipes planted in soil and water distribution equipment pompamuntuk set. The supply of water can be controlled only when needed and a certain amount. Watering may also be the spark system (sprinkler) or drip machine so that digerakakkan piped water soaks average dapatmmemancar desired plots.
Weeding and scarify Land
A month after planting usually nutmeg crop land overgrown garden with weeds (weeds). Weeds need to be weeded out because the weeds will be a contender for the nutmeg plant nutrient elements in case of need, water, and sunlight, even weeds sometimes become pests or diseases. Weeding is then performed on a regular basis, ie every 3 months or when the grass has grown back.
Weeding is done by clearing weeds beneath the plant canopy, about 30 cm-50 cm from the base of the stem. Scarify the ground while weeding done carefully, then the soil near the base of the stem or ditimbunkan root emerges from the ground.
Young plants are generally tidaktahan against the hot sun. Therefore, to avoid damaging the plants need to be prepared enough shade trees. After 4-year-old plants, shade trees can diperjarang.
To ensure nutmeg plants grow well and produce continuously high, fertilizing should be done. Fertilizer can be given organic fertilizer (manure, compost) and fertilizers (urea, TSP, and KCL). Excellent organic fertilizer to keep the soil and its fertility trivia. Terms of organic fertilizer is an important element of N must be contained in the organic compounds to be easily absorbed by plants and fertilizers do not leave the rest of the organic acids in the soil.
Inorganic fertilizer is most needed is nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), as well as elements of macro or micro nutrients such as Zn, Cu, Mn, and others.
Given fertilizer consisting of 1 kg Urea + 1.1 kg + 1.2 kg TSP KCL per tree. Fertilizer was given 2 times a year, ie at the beginning of the rKakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya ainy season and at the end of the rainy season by adjusting the content of elements of fertilizer used. Manure can be given origin has been cooked so that contamination between crops with harmful substances can be avoided.
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAHow to embroider is initially unloaded plant seeds that long, then new seedlings from polybags with roots removed and the medium. Seeds were planted in the middle of the planting hole is upright and the soil around the base of the stem in slow-pelan.Setelah condense finished embroidering right away with water as needed.
Nutmeg plants need sufficient water, as if the lack of water in the vegetative phase will inhibit the growth of shoots and roots. While the lack of water in the generative phase resulted in loss of flowers or fruit, resulting in lower production and fruit quality, resulting in lower production and fruit quality.
Water supply and irrigation should be enough, especially during the dry season (dry). The source of water can come from rivers, ponds, reservoirs, and wells pantek. In the newly planted crop nutmeg, watering can be done 1-2 times a day, especially if it is not raining. At the nutmeg crop grown, irrigation can be adapted to the soil conditions.
How to irrigate can be done with the network system or plumbing PVC pipes planted in soil and water distribution equipment pompamuntuk set. The supply of water can be controlled only when needed and a certain amount. Watering may also be the spark system (sprinkler) or drip machine so that digerakakkan piped water soaks average dapatmmemancar desired plots.
Weeding and scarify Land
A month after planting usually nutmeg crop land overgrown garden with weeds (weeds). Weeds need to be weeded out because the weeds will be a contender for the nutmeg plant nutrient elements in case of need, water, and sunlight, even weeds sometimes become pests or diseases. Weeding is then performed on a regular basis, ie every 3 months or when the grass has grown back.
Weeding is done by clearing weeds beneath the plant canopy, about 30 cm-50 cm from the base of the stem. Scarify the ground while weeding done carefully, then the soil near the base of the stem or ditimbunkan root emerges from the ground.
Young plants are generally tidaktahan against the hot sun. Therefore, to avoid damaging the plants need to be prepared enough shade trees. After 4-year-old plants, shade trees can diperjarang.
To ensure nutmeg plants grow well and produce continuously high, fertilizing should be done. Fertilizer can be given organic fertilizer (manure, compost) and fertilizers (urea, TSP, and KCL). Excellent organic fertilizer to keep the soil and its fertility trivia. Terms of organic fertilizer is an important element of N must be contained in the organic compounds to be easily absorbed by plants and fertilizers do not leave the rest of the organic acids in the soil.
Inorganic fertilizer is most needed is nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), as well as elements of macro or micro nutrients such as Zn, Cu, Mn, and others.
Given fertilizer consisting of 1 kg Urea + 1.1 kg + 1.2 kg TSP KCL per tree. Fertilizer was given 2 times a year, ie at the beginning of the rKakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya ainy season and at the end of the rainy season by adjusting the content of elements of fertilizer used. Manure can be given origin has been cooked so that contamination between crops with harmful substances can be avoided.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Hi soo afjaro, ud sy ud 2
soo afjaro, ud sy ud 2 daaweyn toddobaadle qabow, waa inuu noqdaa 3
bilood, maxaa yeelay, ud Ud Waxaa jira 3 nalalka soo baxay caleemaha
hijau2, sy JD waa skrng sida yach? Haddii ay sii socoto in ay guul daraystaan sy abuurka oo, sy laga yaabaa in saaxiib abuur lg ng Tim Krul oo ka? Waxaad ku mahadsan tihiin
SeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014 De
1. Geeddi-socodka Qaboojiyaha (Daaweynta Hargabka)Tulips Most u baahan tahay ugu yaraan 12-14 todobaad ee "muddada qabow" in ay soo saaraan ubax qurux badan. Way adag tahay in diiran cimiladu / tropics, way adag tahay laakiin ma ahan waxaan suuragal.
Waxaad sameyn kartaa "daaweyn qabow" habka fudud, taasoo ah in la badbaadsho abuur ah (nalalka) tulips qaboojiyaha (qaboojiyaha) heerkulka a 1.7 si 12.8 ° C. Store abuur ah 6-16 todobaad. Meelaha la duub (store) isticmaasho wargeyska ama ukunta. Haddii aadan aqoon kartoonka ukunta oo keliya Google "ukunta" kiniin ah haddii aad iibsato ukunta at supermarket midigta meesha weligaa waxaa laga sameeyay baakado, sidaas haa ".
Abuurka Lacag u Ha isku daraan tulipnya leh miro, gaar ahaan tufaax. Miraha in ay yihiin bislaado soo saari doonaa gaaska ethylene kuwaas oo dili doonaa / dhaawici ubax ee guluubka.
Steven lagu duubo-abuur geedo la isticmaalayo ziplock caag ah.
Waa maxay sababta duub rabarka ay caag ah isticmaalka ziplock? Steven says maxaa yeelay, isagu uma leeyihiin qaboojiye shakhsi, khasbay inay isticmaalaan qaboojiyaha qudaar ah. Khudaarta ayaa sidoo kale soo saara gaas ethylene taas oo la fashiliyey karaa nalalka ubax, sidaas oo ziplock diyaar garoobo caag la isticmaalayo guluubka ah.
BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAMarkaas kaydi gobolka caag ah waa in dadaala inaad hubiyaan bulbnya sababtoo ah waxaa jiri doona qoyaanka ee caaga ah iyo biyo ka hooraya, iyo waxay keeni doontaa wax xagta oo. Sidaas ayuu ku dadaala in nadiifiyaan likaha.
Xeebeedka 2.
Sida ay Steven:• xididdada ayaa ubax kori doono oo ku saabsan 6-8 todobaad. Caleemaha laftiisa koraa ku xiran tahay tulipnya nooca. Early nooca muuqda ka dib markii 10-12 todobaad, nooca dhexe wuxuu qiyaas ahaan 12-14 todobaad, waayo nooca siii Late inkastoo waqti isku mid ah u qaatay 15-16 todobaad weli cusub ee soo baxaya caleemaha.• The Double Late koraya oo aad u gaabis ah, ayaa dhab ahaantii in ka badan 4 moon cusub u muuqata waxaa laga yaabaa.• ubax-marka hore ubax soo baxay qaboojiyaha on 8 February 2014, ayaa shil ahaan ku badbaadiyey 19 todobaad, xididdada oo kaliya Upstar ilaa hadda ma aanay soo baxay hoose ee Dheriga, Oo laamihiisa curdanka ah waxaa weli qarinayaan.• ubax Photo 1 taariikhda Jakarta xirmo ilaa 27 September 2013 oo si dhaqso ah Hawiyaha ah (aan isku dayo lagu qooyay oo aan la qoyay laga isla natiijada).Photo 1. Package ahayd in Jakarta 27 September 2013 geedo si toos ah lagu qooyay (aan isku dayo lagu qooyay oo aan la qoyay laga isla natiijo)
danmogot.com Toko online murah terbaik di IndonesiaPhoto 1. Package ahayd in Jakarta 27 September 2013 geedo si toos ah lagu qooyay (aan isku dayo lagu qooyay oo aan la qoyay laga isla natiijo)
SeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014 De
1. Geeddi-socodka Qaboojiyaha (Daaweynta Hargabka)Tulips Most u baahan tahay ugu yaraan 12-14 todobaad ee "muddada qabow" in ay soo saaraan ubax qurux badan. Way adag tahay in diiran cimiladu / tropics, way adag tahay laakiin ma ahan waxaan suuragal.
Waxaad sameyn kartaa "daaweyn qabow" habka fudud, taasoo ah in la badbaadsho abuur ah (nalalka) tulips qaboojiyaha (qaboojiyaha) heerkulka a 1.7 si 12.8 ° C. Store abuur ah 6-16 todobaad. Meelaha la duub (store) isticmaasho wargeyska ama ukunta. Haddii aadan aqoon kartoonka ukunta oo keliya Google "ukunta" kiniin ah haddii aad iibsato ukunta at supermarket midigta meesha weligaa waxaa laga sameeyay baakado, sidaas haa ".
Abuurka Lacag u Ha isku daraan tulipnya leh miro, gaar ahaan tufaax. Miraha in ay yihiin bislaado soo saari doonaa gaaska ethylene kuwaas oo dili doonaa / dhaawici ubax ee guluubka.
Steven lagu duubo-abuur geedo la isticmaalayo ziplock caag ah.
Waa maxay sababta duub rabarka ay caag ah isticmaalka ziplock? Steven says maxaa yeelay, isagu uma leeyihiin qaboojiye shakhsi, khasbay inay isticmaalaan qaboojiyaha qudaar ah. Khudaarta ayaa sidoo kale soo saara gaas ethylene taas oo la fashiliyey karaa nalalka ubax, sidaas oo ziplock diyaar garoobo caag la isticmaalayo guluubka ah.
BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAMarkaas kaydi gobolka caag ah waa in dadaala inaad hubiyaan bulbnya sababtoo ah waxaa jiri doona qoyaanka ee caaga ah iyo biyo ka hooraya, iyo waxay keeni doontaa wax xagta oo. Sidaas ayuu ku dadaala in nadiifiyaan likaha.
Xeebeedka 2.
Sida ay Steven:• xididdada ayaa ubax kori doono oo ku saabsan 6-8 todobaad. Caleemaha laftiisa koraa ku xiran tahay tulipnya nooca. Early nooca muuqda ka dib markii 10-12 todobaad, nooca dhexe wuxuu qiyaas ahaan 12-14 todobaad, waayo nooca siii Late inkastoo waqti isku mid ah u qaatay 15-16 todobaad weli cusub ee soo baxaya caleemaha.• The Double Late koraya oo aad u gaabis ah, ayaa dhab ahaantii in ka badan 4 moon cusub u muuqata waxaa laga yaabaa.• ubax-marka hore ubax soo baxay qaboojiyaha on 8 February 2014, ayaa shil ahaan ku badbaadiyey 19 todobaad, xididdada oo kaliya Upstar ilaa hadda ma aanay soo baxay hoose ee Dheriga, Oo laamihiisa curdanka ah waxaa weli qarinayaan.• ubax Photo 1 taariikhda Jakarta xirmo ilaa 27 September 2013 oo si dhaqso ah Hawiyaha ah (aan isku dayo lagu qooyay oo aan la qoyay laga isla natiijada).Photo 1. Package ahayd in Jakarta 27 September 2013 geedo si toos ah lagu qooyay (aan isku dayo lagu qooyay oo aan la qoyay laga isla natiijo)
danmogot.com Toko online murah terbaik di IndonesiaPhoto 1. Package ahayd in Jakarta 27 September 2013 geedo si toos ah lagu qooyay (aan isku dayo lagu qooyay oo aan la qoyay laga isla natiijo)
Friday, June 13, 2014
Naming hibiscus flowers varies for each region
Naming hibiscus flowers varies for each region in Indonesia. Bungong roja (Aceh), flowers (Batak Karo), Soma Soma (Nias), Bekeju (Mentawai). Hibiscus (Betawi), Flower wera (Sunda), Wora-wari (Java), Hibiscus (Central Java), Flower Rebong Pulau Tidung(Madura). Waribang (Bali), Nusa Tenggara: Embuhanga (Sangir), Flower cepatu (East). Ulange (Gorontalo), Kulango (Buol), Flower shoes (Napier), Flower mute (Bugis), Ubu-Ubu (Ternate), Bala flower (Tidore).
Chemical IngredientsLeaves, hibiscus flowers and roots contain flavonoids. In addition, the leaves also contain saponins, and polyphenols, polyphenols containing flowers, roots also contain tannins and saponins. (Tanamanobat.org) It contains: flower containing hibisetin, while the stems and leaves contain Ca-oxalate, peroxidase, fats and proteins. (Www.aagos.ristek.go.id)
Efficacy of HibiscusBesides physically beautiful flower, the hibiscus plant has many properties that have been used as a medicinal plant by the community for many years.
Drug fever: Root finely ground, then boiled in boiling water for about half an hour, then filtered water and then drunk.
Cough; sprue: The leaves are boiled in boiling water for about a quarter of an hour, and then the water is filtered diminum.Bronkhitis: The flowers are boiled for about a quarter of an hour, and the water is filtered and drunk.
Gonnorhoea: The flowers are boiled for about a quarter of an hour, and the water is filtered and drunk, the water that has been filtered after settling for a sat night (diembun-embunkan) and drunk.
Pulau PramukaMumps: Root powdered and boiled in boiling water for about half an hour, can be used as a drug kompres.Sakit head: Powdered leaves boiled for about half an hour can be used as a medicine pack.
Boils or abscesses: Leaves taste washed, and finely ground until it becomes dough like mush. Put the above boils or abscesses, and then wrapped. (For external use). (Source; http://www.kiwod.com)Labels: cultivating hibiscus, Hibiscus, maintenance, plantinghttp://cybex.deptan.go.id
Policy Guidance
Guidance Material
Specific material lokalitaOrchids and hibiscus flowers are ornamental plants that you can plant in your yard or in pots, as home decoration can give the feel of coolness when it looked. In addition, interest orchid has many variations of color and beautiful shape, is also a kind of plant that you can put the pieces in the room. Flower shoe also has other benefits, namely that the hibiscus is used as medicine for children fever, cough, and can even be used as a tea beverage relieving thirst you.
orchid plants
You need to figure out some way to grow orchids Wisata Pulau Pariand hibiscus. Actually, how to plant flowers of all plants is almost the same, although there is little difference. In the process of planting, you need to pay attention to growing media and cultivation procedures.
Chemical IngredientsLeaves, hibiscus flowers and roots contain flavonoids. In addition, the leaves also contain saponins, and polyphenols, polyphenols containing flowers, roots also contain tannins and saponins. (Tanamanobat.org) It contains: flower containing hibisetin, while the stems and leaves contain Ca-oxalate, peroxidase, fats and proteins. (Www.aagos.ristek.go.id)
Efficacy of HibiscusBesides physically beautiful flower, the hibiscus plant has many properties that have been used as a medicinal plant by the community for many years.
Drug fever: Root finely ground, then boiled in boiling water for about half an hour, then filtered water and then drunk.
Cough; sprue: The leaves are boiled in boiling water for about a quarter of an hour, and then the water is filtered diminum.Bronkhitis: The flowers are boiled for about a quarter of an hour, and the water is filtered and drunk.
Gonnorhoea: The flowers are boiled for about a quarter of an hour, and the water is filtered and drunk, the water that has been filtered after settling for a sat night (diembun-embunkan) and drunk.
Pulau PramukaMumps: Root powdered and boiled in boiling water for about half an hour, can be used as a drug kompres.Sakit head: Powdered leaves boiled for about half an hour can be used as a medicine pack.
Boils or abscesses: Leaves taste washed, and finely ground until it becomes dough like mush. Put the above boils or abscesses, and then wrapped. (For external use). (Source; http://www.kiwod.com)Labels: cultivating hibiscus, Hibiscus, maintenance, plantinghttp://cybex.deptan.go.id
Policy Guidance
Guidance Material
Specific material lokalitaOrchids and hibiscus flowers are ornamental plants that you can plant in your yard or in pots, as home decoration can give the feel of coolness when it looked. In addition, interest orchid has many variations of color and beautiful shape, is also a kind of plant that you can put the pieces in the room. Flower shoe also has other benefits, namely that the hibiscus is used as medicine for children fever, cough, and can even be used as a tea beverage relieving thirst you.
orchid plants
You need to figure out some way to grow orchids Wisata Pulau Pariand hibiscus. Actually, how to plant flowers of all plants is almost the same, although there is little difference. In the process of planting, you need to pay attention to growing media and cultivation procedures.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Binding and very well save water
Binding and very well save water
· Aeration and good air drainage
· Not quickly obsolete
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 · Contains nutrients necessary for orchids
· The air cavity much so that the roots can grow and develop freely
· The price is relatively expensive· Ketersediaanya rareCoconut Fiber
· Easy to bind and retain water well
· Contains nutrients necessary
· Easily obtainable in large quantities
· Easy weathered· Robust store water so that it becomes a source of root rot and stem rot tillersWood Charcoal
· Aeration and drainage well
· Many air cavities so that plant roots can freely grow and thrive
· The process of weathering slow
· Storage of poor water
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya · Poor elements of NBroken bricks or tiles
· Saved under aeration and drainage repair untukk
· Containers and pots so as not to fall
· The existence of a cavity for the freedom of the roots to grow and flourish
· The entrance of oxygen necessary for root respiration
· Maintain moisture levels
· Denomination less critical in the absorption and retention of water· Bricks faster overgrown algae (algae)
(DARMONO, D.W, 2008)
Appendix 2 Fertilizer for OrchidsPeriod Fertilizer
InformationFertilizer Growth Period
a) fertilizers with high N content or N, P and K balance
· Brand: Bayfolan, Vitabloom, Gandasil, Hyponex red, green Hyponex, Gandasil 63, and others
· Dosage: 1-3 g / l of water
· Frequency: once a week
· Application: sprayed to whole leafb) Liquid Organic Fertilizer
· Brand: Orchid Fertilizer or Flower Up
· Dosage: 1 ml / l of water
· Frequency: once a week
· Application: sprayed to whole leafFertilizer Flowering Period
a) Foliar fertilizer with a high contenBanteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 t of P and K
· Brand: Gandasil B, Gaviota, Growmore orange, red Hyponex etc.
· Dosage: 1-3 g / l of water
· Frequency: once a week
· Aeration and good air drainage
· Not quickly obsolete
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 · Contains nutrients necessary for orchids
· The air cavity much so that the roots can grow and develop freely
· The price is relatively expensive· Ketersediaanya rareCoconut Fiber
· Easy to bind and retain water well
· Contains nutrients necessary
· Easily obtainable in large quantities
· Easy weathered· Robust store water so that it becomes a source of root rot and stem rot tillersWood Charcoal
· Aeration and drainage well
· Many air cavities so that plant roots can freely grow and thrive
· The process of weathering slow
· Storage of poor water
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya · Poor elements of NBroken bricks or tiles
· Saved under aeration and drainage repair untukk
· Containers and pots so as not to fall
· The existence of a cavity for the freedom of the roots to grow and flourish
· The entrance of oxygen necessary for root respiration
· Maintain moisture levels
· Denomination less critical in the absorption and retention of water· Bricks faster overgrown algae (algae)
(DARMONO, D.W, 2008)
Appendix 2 Fertilizer for OrchidsPeriod Fertilizer
InformationFertilizer Growth Period
a) fertilizers with high N content or N, P and K balance
· Brand: Bayfolan, Vitabloom, Gandasil, Hyponex red, green Hyponex, Gandasil 63, and others
· Dosage: 1-3 g / l of water
· Frequency: once a week
· Application: sprayed to whole leafb) Liquid Organic Fertilizer
· Brand: Orchid Fertilizer or Flower Up
· Dosage: 1 ml / l of water
· Frequency: once a week
· Application: sprayed to whole leafFertilizer Flowering Period
a) Foliar fertilizer with a high contenBanteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 t of P and K
· Brand: Gandasil B, Gaviota, Growmore orange, red Hyponex etc.
· Dosage: 1-3 g / l of water
· Frequency: once a week
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Nangkadak is a combination of superior
Nangkadak is a combination of superior jackfruit fruit Cempedak with unique and distinctive.
Combines the advantages of two different kinds of things and minimize the weaknesses is a strategy to be superior in this aspect of innovation. One area of innovation is to produce food sector.
MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA A food innovations hatched by Margianasari and G. Gregori Hambali. Small jackfruit and Cempedak they cross and produce a unique type of fruit called "nangkadak". Nangkadak inherited superior properties jackfruit and Cempedak. Nangkadak skin easy to peel, plus a characteristic inherited from Cempedak. As for the taste relatively sweeter when bitten since inheriting the advantages of jackfruit.Not until the skin and flesh of the fruit taste alone, the plant can be harvested nangkadak also more in a year. It makes it more productive than existing types. Adaptive nature also makes nangkadak be cultivated in various parts of the region with varying heights. (* AP)The advantages of nangkadak tree is as follows: flowering plants, the age of two years has begun to bear fruit. Fruit production reaches 30-40 fruit per harvest period. Jackfruit fruit blend cylindrical shape with Cempedak. Fruit weight was 2-5 kg per piece. Very easy way to peel fruits such as peeling fruit Cempedak. Thick pieces of meat with very sweet fruit flavors (23-30 ° Brix).While the physical ciri2 this plant are as follows:a. RootRooting the manifold nangkadak taproot, because nangkadak included in dikotiledoneae plant species are plants into pieces two. Nangkadak rooting consists of a taproot, the primary root, secondary roots and tertiary roots (root hairs).b. This cursory BatangCempedak like jackfruit because it is still his brother Cempedak jackfruit.It forms Cempedak fruit like jackfruit, but the flavor and fragrance and somewhat piercing almost exactly like a durian.Usually the size of small Cempedak not like jackfruit. This is just another ... because this is the kind of Cempedak King.
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Cempedak King is mostly found in Malaysia, Brunei and I have ever seen in East Kalimantan Kutai. Now this King had Cempedak can we find in shops and stores Trubus other fruit crops.
Combines the advantages of two different kinds of things and minimize the weaknesses is a strategy to be superior in this aspect of innovation. One area of innovation is to produce food sector.
MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA A food innovations hatched by Margianasari and G. Gregori Hambali. Small jackfruit and Cempedak they cross and produce a unique type of fruit called "nangkadak". Nangkadak inherited superior properties jackfruit and Cempedak. Nangkadak skin easy to peel, plus a characteristic inherited from Cempedak. As for the taste relatively sweeter when bitten since inheriting the advantages of jackfruit.Not until the skin and flesh of the fruit taste alone, the plant can be harvested nangkadak also more in a year. It makes it more productive than existing types. Adaptive nature also makes nangkadak be cultivated in various parts of the region with varying heights. (* AP)The advantages of nangkadak tree is as follows: flowering plants, the age of two years has begun to bear fruit. Fruit production reaches 30-40 fruit per harvest period. Jackfruit fruit blend cylindrical shape with Cempedak. Fruit weight was 2-5 kg per piece. Very easy way to peel fruits such as peeling fruit Cempedak. Thick pieces of meat with very sweet fruit flavors (23-30 ° Brix).While the physical ciri2 this plant are as follows:a. RootRooting the manifold nangkadak taproot, because nangkadak included in dikotiledoneae plant species are plants into pieces two. Nangkadak rooting consists of a taproot, the primary root, secondary roots and tertiary roots (root hairs).b. This cursory BatangCempedak like jackfruit because it is still his brother Cempedak jackfruit.It forms Cempedak fruit like jackfruit, but the flavor and fragrance and somewhat piercing almost exactly like a durian.Usually the size of small Cempedak not like jackfruit. This is just another ... because this is the kind of Cempedak King.
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014Cempedak King is mostly found in Malaysia, Brunei and I have ever seen in East Kalimantan Kutai. Now this King had Cempedak can we find in shops and stores Trubus other fruit crops.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Yellow-finned Tuna
Yellow-finned Tuna
Yellow fin tuna spread in tropical regions throughout the world. In
Japan they live in the warm waters at a meeting in Hokkaido and heat
flow can be captured in the early summer when the bluefin tuna bit. Philippines and Guam exporting this type of tuna to Japan. Named yellowfin because on the side of the fish and yellow fin. Generally the current meeting jumlahnyadan yellowfin tuna used for canned tuna and the price is lower than albacore tuna.
PokerVoVo.com Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli Indonesia
Long-finned albacore or tuna Has several names such as Pacific albacore, tombo and "white tuna", is widespread in the warm waters of the world in the northern Pacific and the Hawaiian Islands. They have a slightly reddish meat, but most of the flesh is a little white as milk such as chicken when cooked. These fish are generally used for canned white tuna fish. Lately size smaller tuna are caught and arrested at high tide, the water temperature is cold. Tuna meat is sold in Japanese sushi restaurants and is known by the name Binto Once the fish is in the bowl of the net, making the catch then performed using a ladle or shearwaters. Purse seine can be operated day or night. Operation during the day often use FADs or payaos as fish collecting tools. While collecting tools are often used at night is light, generally using a light kerosene lamps. FADs in addition to functioning as a means of collecting fish also serves as a barrier to movement or ruaya fish, so the fish will be longer around payaos. FADs can help maintain or remain skipjack d installation location for 340 days. 3. Nets Gills Gill net fishing is a tool shaped netting rectangular sheets, which have a uniform mesh size. Gazette nets equipped with a float on the top rope ris and ris a number of ballast on the bottom rope. There are several gill net that has a lower amplifier (srampat / Selvedge) made of suggestion as a replacement ballast. High surface gill nets 5-15 meters and gill nets form a rectangular or inverted trapezoid, mid-high gill nets 5-10 meters and forms a rectangular gill nets and gill nets basic height 1-3 meters and gill nets form a rectangular or trapezoidal. Gill net shape depending on the length of the upper and lower straps ris .. Operation is mounted upright in the water and facing the direction of movement of the fish. Fish caught by means of gills entangled in nets or by eSeasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014ye on body terpuntal nets. Unit gill nets using net pis unit (piece). One unit of gill net consists of several pis nets (SISKA, 2010). Judging from the manner of operation, regular gear is washed away (drift gill-net), dilabuh (set gill-net), looped (encircling gill-net). Gill net fishing gear including potential especially after the introduction of Decree 29/80 basis, especially gill nets (bottom set gill-net), better known by the name klitik N
PokerVoVo.com Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli Indonesia
Long-finned albacore or tuna Has several names such as Pacific albacore, tombo and "white tuna", is widespread in the warm waters of the world in the northern Pacific and the Hawaiian Islands. They have a slightly reddish meat, but most of the flesh is a little white as milk such as chicken when cooked. These fish are generally used for canned white tuna fish. Lately size smaller tuna are caught and arrested at high tide, the water temperature is cold. Tuna meat is sold in Japanese sushi restaurants and is known by the name Binto Once the fish is in the bowl of the net, making the catch then performed using a ladle or shearwaters. Purse seine can be operated day or night. Operation during the day often use FADs or payaos as fish collecting tools. While collecting tools are often used at night is light, generally using a light kerosene lamps. FADs in addition to functioning as a means of collecting fish also serves as a barrier to movement or ruaya fish, so the fish will be longer around payaos. FADs can help maintain or remain skipjack d installation location for 340 days. 3. Nets Gills Gill net fishing is a tool shaped netting rectangular sheets, which have a uniform mesh size. Gazette nets equipped with a float on the top rope ris and ris a number of ballast on the bottom rope. There are several gill net that has a lower amplifier (srampat / Selvedge) made of suggestion as a replacement ballast. High surface gill nets 5-15 meters and gill nets form a rectangular or inverted trapezoid, mid-high gill nets 5-10 meters and forms a rectangular gill nets and gill nets basic height 1-3 meters and gill nets form a rectangular or trapezoidal. Gill net shape depending on the length of the upper and lower straps ris .. Operation is mounted upright in the water and facing the direction of movement of the fish. Fish caught by means of gills entangled in nets or by eSeasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014ye on body terpuntal nets. Unit gill nets using net pis unit (piece). One unit of gill net consists of several pis nets (SISKA, 2010). Judging from the manner of operation, regular gear is washed away (drift gill-net), dilabuh (set gill-net), looped (encircling gill-net). Gill net fishing gear including potential especially after the introduction of Decree 29/80 basis, especially gill nets (bottom set gill-net), better known by the name klitik N
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Fertilization with inorganic fertilizers
Fertilization with inorganic fertilizers ( Urea , SP - 36 and KC
I ) performed 2 times a year . While organic fertilizer ( cage / compost ) is given once a year at the beginning of the rainy season .How to inorganic fertilizer is given by mixing all three fertilizer and spread on deep trench 10-15 cm around the plant , then ditch covered with soil . Organic fertilizers are given by way sown the bolt / trench around the stem of the plant to a depth of 15-20 cm at a distance of 25-50 cm from the base of the plants / clumps and covered with soil .
weeding ;
Weeding is carried out every 3 months prior to the weeding , the leaves should be tied so weeding is not disturbed by the spiny leaves . Along with weeding the soil needs to digemburkan that the roots of the plants get enough air , after the job is finished weeding , leaf ties removed while the flat lands in the wetter areas need to be made drainage ditch .
Thinning saplings ;
Spacing puppies needed to be able to produce large -sized fruit on a regular basis for multiple harvests . Thinning of saplings sprout roots should Jadwal Bolabe done regularly after 3-4 crop harvest pineapples are usually not disassembled but shoots child is allowed to grow . Another shoots discarded or used as seed . Continuity of production from the parent to the left tiller buds continued until about five years , after a five year old pineapple plant was dismantled and replaced by a new plant .
Control of pests ;
Heart rot disease ( hert rot) and root rot ( root rot )
Symptoms , leaves of plants attacked by fungi phytoptora Sp . undergo chlorosis , young leaves easily removed , decay can spread to the stems of plants and cause root rot so stunted growth and delayed fruit ripening .
Judi Bola Online Control , before the plant seeds dipped in fungicide suspension of field sanitation diseased and diseased crop residues and previous crop residue should be clean .
Root rot disease ( base rot)
I ) performed 2 times a year . While organic fertilizer ( cage / compost ) is given once a year at the beginning of the rainy season .How to inorganic fertilizer is given by mixing all three fertilizer and spread on deep trench 10-15 cm around the plant , then ditch covered with soil . Organic fertilizers are given by way sown the bolt / trench around the stem of the plant to a depth of 15-20 cm at a distance of 25-50 cm from the base of the plants / clumps and covered with soil .
weeding ;
Weeding is carried out every 3 months prior to the weeding , the leaves should be tied so weeding is not disturbed by the spiny leaves . Along with weeding the soil needs to digemburkan that the roots of the plants get enough air , after the job is finished weeding , leaf ties removed while the flat lands in the wetter areas need to be made drainage ditch .
Thinning saplings ;
Spacing puppies needed to be able to produce large -sized fruit on a regular basis for multiple harvests . Thinning of saplings sprout roots should Jadwal Bolabe done regularly after 3-4 crop harvest pineapples are usually not disassembled but shoots child is allowed to grow . Another shoots discarded or used as seed . Continuity of production from the parent to the left tiller buds continued until about five years , after a five year old pineapple plant was dismantled and replaced by a new plant .
Control of pests ;
Heart rot disease ( hert rot) and root rot ( root rot )
Symptoms , leaves of plants attacked by fungi phytoptora Sp . undergo chlorosis , young leaves easily removed , decay can spread to the stems of plants and cause root rot so stunted growth and delayed fruit ripening .
Judi Bola Online Control , before the plant seeds dipped in fungicide suspension of field sanitation diseased and diseased crop residues and previous crop residue should be clean .
Root rot disease ( base rot)
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