Sunday, March 16, 2014

The science that involves the study of Bee Pollen is known as Palynology .

Bee Pollen is one of the richest natural food and purest ever found , and the nutritional and medicinal value of outstanding pollen has been known for centuries .

Pollen contains the male germ cells ( elements ) that are produced by all , flowers plants or flowers . It is important to ensure that the plant life around the world continues with a process that involves fertilization and plant embryo formation . Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia  
One teaspoon of pollen contains approximately 1,200 pellets or 2.5 billion grains , each of which has the capacity to supply the necessary factors to fertilize and reproduce the particular species they represent ( such as grain , fruit or tree ) . Pollen is composed of myriads of microspores are produced in the anthers of flowers and cones of conifers . Each item measure approximately .002 inches in diameter ( although the representative diameter is somewhere near half a millimeter ) , and each bee collected pellet contains about two million pollen grains .
Pollination consists of the transfer of pollen from the anthers to the pistil stamen stigma . This , in turn , resulted in fertilization of ovules in the ovary , which then develops into a seed growth . A single spike ragweed or single strobile of Pine can produce up to six million pollen grains , and as many as four million items can be found in the wheat head . Many plants that are pollinated by the wind , the rain or the water - flow , while the attractive colorful flowers or scented nectar containing mostly pollinated by insects ( including flies , bees , wasps , butterflies , beetles and moths ) .
Pollen collected by bees is superior to that obtained directly from flowering plants . Bees are very discriminating about choosing the best of millions of pollen grains are present . Of these , only two types were found , yaituanemophile pollen ( which is not collected by bees , and produce allergic reactions ) and entomophile pollen ( collected by bees , and have a greater nutrient content ) . In fact , entomophile pollen has been used success JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA fully in the treatment of airborn pollen allergy . It is obvious that the bees only select those pollen grains are rich in all the nutrients , especially nitrogen compounds . Bee pollen mixed with a sticky substance that is removed from their stomachs , which allows the pollen to adhere to their rear legs in " pollen basket " to safely transport it to their nest .
Many other flowers are also pollinated by certain birds , such as honey bird , honeycreepers , Lorikeets and hummingbirds . Marsupials ( like honey " rat " and bats ) will also pollinate certain flowering plants , and even snails have been observed carrying pollen .
Pollen is usually appointed by the origin of their interest in order to build a reliable specific preferences . The color and shape usually indicates the type of plant derived , as well as specific geographic area . Although the color of the pollen is usually not important , will range from golden yellow to black according to the source. Pollen contains many types of pigments , which only a small number have been isolated . Certain pigments are soluble in water , while others are fat soluble . This accounts for the color of honey varies a lot ( including amber and green ) , and yellow beeswax is a fat-soluble pigment .

Pollen contains the richest known source of vitamins , minerals , protein, amino acids , hormones , enzymes and fats , as well as significant quantities of natural antibiotics . Most of the known vitamins in pollen exist in perfect proportion , which further enhan Portal Agen Judi Bola Sbobet Piala Dunia 2014 ces their value .
There are anywhere from 5,000 to 9,000 micrograms of active carotenoids , which are converted into vitamin A in the body . Carotenoids are available in the pollen of insect -pollinated flowers , but missing from wind - pollinated species . Carotenoids ( provitamin A ) are present in the fraction Lipochrome ( which is xantofil ester ) , and can range from 50-150 micrograms per gram . The pollen of the richest in carotenoids can contain 20 times as much as is present in the equivalent weight of carrots , so it makes a good pollen source of provitamin A carotenoids are usually combined with the outer layer of pollen grains ( sporonine ) , but some can also be bound the pollen cell proteins . In addition to the class of carotenoids , there is another group of pigments found in pollen , the flavin pigments ( flavones , flavonols ) . In addition , cytochrome also occur in pollen .

The number following the B- Complex vitamins are found in one gram ( 1,000 milligrams ) of fresh raw pollen :

Vitamin B1 ( thiamine ) 9.2 mg .Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin ) 18.5 mg .Vitamin B6 ( pyridoxine ) 5.0 mg .200.0 mg of nicotinic acid .27.6 mg of pantothenic acid .5.0 mg of folic acid .

This amount should be increased by 20 to 25 percent for all types of dry pollen . All forms of bee pollen contains high amounts of vitamins B1 , B2 and E than those found in fruits , fruit and green vegetables .

 SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAOne gram of fresh raw pollen containing 7-15 mg . Vitamin C , along with traces of vitamin E ( tocopherol )

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